“法国INNODESIGN 国际创新设计大奖”是在法国设计学院的支持下,由法国梅斯市政厅于2014正式创办的,创办初衷是为了鼓励和表彰在工业、产品、平面及空间方面的优秀创新设计师和设计作品。创办至今,已有来自法国本土、中国、德国、意大利、美国及中东等世界各地设计师投稿参赛,并有部分作品获得大奖。
2017年的“INNODESIGN PRIZE”更是得到了法国文化部的高度重视。在相关部门的批示下,考虑到“INNODESIGN PRIZE”不断扩大的国际影响力。自2017 年起,“INNODESIGN PRIZE”正式由法国创新设计专业委员会监管。并在专业委员会的带领下成立“INNODEISGN PRIZE”专业奖项评审机构,对所有奖项申请者的作品进行公开,公正以及严谨地评审工作,以确保“INNODESIGN PRIZE”奖项的专业性和高度。
2017法国 INNODESIGN PRIZE 国际创新设计大奖评审团成员:
Barbier Jean Marc 法国室内设计师 Boulet Didier 法国梅斯蓬皮杜艺术中心设计总监Bourcet Patrice 高级工程师 Bourson Patrice 建筑设计师Caillaud Emmanuel 建筑设计师 Collignon Herve 设计师Conti Davide 设计师 Delaisse Julien 建筑设计师Ginder Jean Luc 经济学家 Gomez Carlos 建筑设计师Jaquet Dominique设计师 Leclaire Jean Louis工程师Luu Anne 设计师 Waltritsch Dimitri建筑设计师Roussel Vivien 设计师 Stibbe Elisabeth 建筑设计师
2017年,法国INNODESIGN PRIZE国际创新设计大奖 专业评审团共收到设计作品1028套,其中中方设计师报名作品374套,中方入围作品128套,中方提名作品26套,中方获奖作品15套。
★ 平面类(Graphic)
☆ “Regeneration”Exhibition of Visual Design “再生”展览视觉设计
GUANGZHOU ZHENGDIAN ADVERTISING COMPANY 广州正典广告有限公司Describe the design work:Which exhibition use carton as carrier , that is "Renewal" exhibition .is a carton as the carrier of the environmental art exhibition, recycling and rebirth from the perspective of recycling. With "comma" as the core vision. Green, paper yellow, white unified visual tone of the exhibition site materials, posters, brochures gift packaging and T-shirts are co-ordinated. Emphasizing the theme of "Renewal" and the concept of environmental protection. Want to remind the audience: lifestyle changes, that is, environmental protection.“再生”展览是一个以纸箱为载体的环保艺术展览,从循环使用的角度下的再造与重生。以“逗号”作为视觉的核心。绿色、纸质黄色、白色统一视觉调性把展览现场物料、海报、册子、礼品包装及 T 恤都统筹起来。强调展览“再生”主题与环保观念。希望提醒观众:生活方式的改变,就是环境保护。
☆ 24 Solar Terms’s Food Culture 《24食节》
WU YINAN 吴翊楠It is a needle for mobile phone mobile terminal app interface design. We sum up and refine the dietary culture in Chinese traditional solar terms, and present it to you in a form of app.《24食节》是一款针对于手机移动端的app界面设计。我们把中国传统节气中的饮食文化加以归纳和提炼通过一款app的形式呈现给大家。
★ 产品类(Product)
☆ MUG+ 创意杯
WEI TAIMING 魏泰明MUG+ has a small magnet in its handle so that the spoon will be absorbed nearby the handle automatically after stirring. Thus, there is no worry that the spoon hits the face when you are enjoying your drinks. There is scale at the back of spoon handle so that customer could make appropriate taste drink according to it.MUG+通过设计巧妙的将磁铁藏在杯子的把手内,调羹在搅拌完之后,就会自动的被吸附在杯把附近。这样,就再也不用担心喝水时调羹打脸了。调羹背面标有水位刻度线,以便消费者泡出浓淡适宜的饮品。
☆ New Chinese Furniture Series 新中式榫卯文椅系列
ZHAI WEIMIN/ XU LE/ LIN XINGMIN/ CAO YANThe continuation of the traditional Ming style furniture creation concept, concise outline of the line is extremely rich in the charm of the new Chinese style furniture, the structure of the strict use of tenon and mortise traditional technology in the design of the structure become an independent school chair, can be superimposed, save space. The overall size of ergonomic comfort requirements, pay attention to linear gradient and conversion in the details of modelling, linear transformation between the radius and other geometric shapes, to simple shape gives a new space and perspective.该项目改变了新中式领域家具设计的文化符合的堆砌的现象,很好地传承了中国传统明式家具的造物理念,同时解决了小户型空间的使用率问题,家具本身可以叠加,轻巧,非常方便搬运。重在以人为本的设计理念,比例尺寸符合人机工程学的舒适性要求,造型简洁,通过精密计算,可以实现多层椅子叠加,提高了居家小户型的空间利用率。结构上采用了榫卯结构和传统明式家具的造型美学,同时在力学上汲取了传统建筑里的斗拱原理。给用户一个非常好的使用体验和情感交流。同时成本低廉,是在居家室内空间里起到画龙点睛,调节空间文化氛围的家具。
☆ Moveable Lens
LUXUN ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS TEAMDING JIAN/ SUN BING/ LIU QIAN/ LI CHANGHAN/ CHEN YURU/ YANG XUERONG/ WANG JUN/ SHI JIATAO/ JI ZEXUMoveable Lens are suitable for the people who love photography. The traditional design of lens will give a lot of inconvenience, and the eye cannot touch the camera. The moveable Lens can resolve such problem, and then the camera get close to the eyes, the lens will automatically move back to the side and will not influence the touch between eyes and camera, and let photographer to guarantee the quality of photo.Moveable Lens适用人群是摄影爱好者,摄影爱好者不论是配戴太阳镜还是近视眼镜等在拍照过程中眼镜都会遇到阻挡相机取景框与人眼的舒适贴合等各类问题,可移动镜片眼镜在摄影师拍照时会利用感应装置检测到相机的靠近,使镜片向后移动至耳旁,从而不影响人眼和相机之间的接触舒适度,使摄影师能够快速抓拍,也解决了摄影师摘下眼镜无处可放的尴尬问题。
☆ Hair Stop
LUXUN ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS TEAMDING JIAN/ CAO WEIZHI/ CHEN YURU/ LI CHANGHAN/ LIU QIAN/ YANG XUERONG/ WANG JUN/ SHI JIATAO/ JI ZEXUThis product is an improved design of floor drain, can solve the problem of people because of hair winding floor drain. It is divided into two parts, the base part is the same as the traditional floor drain, and the replaceable part is to arrange the winding hair with the rebound principle of the clip.此产品是一个地漏的改进设计,可以解决人们因为头发缠绕地漏的问题。分为两部分组成,底座部分和传统地漏是一样的,可替换部分是以卡子的反弹原理来整理缠绕的头发。
★ 工业类(Industry)
☆ Harmony Pillow
LUXUN ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS TEAMDING JIAN/ CHEN YURU/ LI CHANGHAN/ LIU QIAN/ YANG XUERONG/ WANG JUN/ SHI JIATAO/ JI ZEXUThe main target of the product is the aged person, especially for the aged persons who have acute disease, the design of the pillow can let the consumers have a space to put the medicine and belongings, the design concept of Harmony Pillow is coming from the Chinese traditional instrument “Zheng”.这个产品是针对老年人,尤其有急性病的老年人设计,方便他们放置药物及随身用品, 如药物、眼镜等可放置在枕头两侧的空间。线网式枕面透气切具有弹性,防止皮肤病,结合人机工程学,调节到对颈椎最好的形态,Harmony Pillow设计灵感来源于中国乐器中的古筝,枕座极为筝的木质音响,枕面极为筝的弦,寓意求得思绪上宁静,余音切切,回味锦长。
☆ ORRO Bus Exchange System
LUXUN ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS TEAMDING JIAN/ CAO WEIZHI/ CHEN YURU/ LI CHANGHAN/ LIU QIAN/ YANG XUERONG/ WANG JUN/ SHI JIATAO/ JI ZEXU/ SHANG SIYUANORRO is a new concept of bus ride down mode. In the system, the vehicle and the platform have the same semicircle structure respectively. Passengers inside and outside the car will enter the transfer space ahead of the arrival of the vehicle. After the vehicle stops at the designated location. The vehicle and the semicircle space of the station are combined to form a cylinder and rotate 180 degrees. Passengers inside and outside the car follow the interchange of space to complete the ride down. ORRO makes the actual parking time of the vehicle be controlled within 15s to alleviate the regional congestion caused by bus. At the same time, the station part can control the number of passengers on the train, ensure the space of the people on the vehicle, and obtain the data to make the bus system more reasonable to deploy the vehicles and reduce the waiting time of passengers.ORRO是一种全新的概念性的公交乘降方式。系统中车辆与站台分别具有相同的半圆形结构。车内外的乘客均会在车辆进站前提前进入到换乘空间内。在车辆停靠到指定位置后。车辆与车站的半圆空间相互结合形成圆柱体并旋转180°。车内外的乘客跟随空间的交换而完成乘降。ORRO使车辆实际停靠时间将被控制在15s内,缓解因公交而导致的区域性拥堵。同时车站部分可以对上车乘客数量的进行控制,使车上人员的空间得到基本保证,并可以获得数据使公交系统更合理得调配车辆,减少乘客候车时间。
☆ Size Bowl
LUXUN ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS TEAMDING JIAN/ CAO WEIZHI/ CHEN YURU/ LI CHANGHAN/ LIU QIAN/ YANG XUERONG/ WANG JUN/ SHI JIATAO/ JI ZEXUThis is a new type design of instant noodles box, This new design reduces the volume of the instant noodle box itself, but does not hinder the space of water injection, and it is also convenient to transport and carry. And when eating, edge area increased, when the user's eating experience, cook noodles, a fork can fasten the lid to ensure instant noodles taste the best, but also to ensure the health problem of the fork, no longer leave.这是一款新型的泡面盒设计,这个新的设计从外观看缩小了泡面盒本身的体积,但又不妨碍注水的空间,还方便运输和携带。而展开食用时,碗口面积则增加,满足使用者的食用体验,泡制面时,叉子可以固定住盖子保证泡面味道最佳,同时也保证了叉子的卫生问题,不再随意乱放。
☆ Post Fish
LUXUN ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS TEAMDING JIAN/ DU HAIBIN/ DU BAN/ LI ZHENGThis car is the biggest characteristic of logistics can be divided into the body and modular intelligent distribution storage design. First of all, we will have wide popularity from mentioning cabinet and the balance of the car for the organic integration, with the balance of the car as the driver front, pulling from mentioning cabinet formed a new logistics car "in our mail to the post to Post Fish," her advantage is front can be separated, the two part of their respective responsibilities. Through the split design, can realize a car at the same time provide customers with self delivery and door-to-door delivery of two kinds of distribution services, greatly enhance the distribution efficiency of the traditional logistics vehicle.When the goods are scattered distribution station, intelligent robot is designed according to the distribution area types and other factors, the group will be in the form of similar properties of the cube of packaged goods, installed into the car positions in logistics. In the delivery, the intelligent wireless system of the vehicle can keep the real-time connection with the three parties of the company and the customer, and obtain the latest trends. When the logistics vehicle arrives at the distribution site, the vehicle compartment stops at the designated location waiting for the user to lift the car, and the balance car can be separated and carried out to deliver the door-to-door task.此物流车最大的特点是可以分体的车身和模块化的智能配货储物仓设计。首先,我们将已广为普及的自提柜和平衡车进行了有机整合,用平衡车作为驱动车头,牵引着自提柜形成了我们的新型物流车“邮来邮去Post Fish”,她的好处是车头可以按需分离,两部分各司其职。通过分体的设计,可实现一辆车同时提供客户自提和送货上门两种配送服务,大大提升了传统物流车的配送效率。
☆ Golden Cudgel-Rescue equipment for drowning
MA XIAOYI/ XUE SONG 马晓艺/ 薛松When the water fell off a certain distance from the shore, the rescuer can jump into the water, swim to a certain distance and then open the inflatable switch to rescue equipment inflatable, so that rescue workers and drowning to maintain a certain distance to rescue, in order to prevent drowning for tension Seize of the rescue workers, resulting in rescue difficulties or accidents. If the rescue personnel are in danger, you can also open the inflatable switch to ensure your own life.When the drowning has been sinking, rescuers can save people be in the case of equipment is not inflated, Seizing the drowning, and opening the inflatable button, gold hoop bar will bring drowning and rescuers together to the surface.当落水者离岸边有一定距离,救援者可以跳入水中,游到一定距离后再打开充气开关使救援设备充气,使得救援人员与溺水者保持一定距离展开救援,以防止溺水者由于紧张而抓住救援人员,导致救援困难或意外发生。如果救援人员遇到危险,也可以打开充气开关以确保自己的生命安全。当落水者已经下沉,救援者可以在设备不充气的情况下下潜救人,抓住溺水者后,打开充气按钮,金箍棒会带着溺水者和救援者一起浮出水面。
☆ Stubborn Tap
HE HAILONG/ YANG CHULIN 贺海龙/ 杨楚琳Compared with the traditional taps, Stubborn tap requires different levels of strengths to turn on the water flow. If the users want to increase the water flow, they need to subtly increase their strengths as well. This practice will guide the users to control their water usage instead of effortlessly turning on the water flow. Meanwhile, there is a panel on the top of the tap to measure the water flow, which provides realtime feedback for the users. Then the users will feel the pressure of water usage and gradually change their behaviours.这款水龙头与普通水龙头相比,不同之处在于,它的水龙头开关是随力量变化的,要想把水龙头开得更大,就需要施加更大的力推动开关,这种阻力的设置,有利于人们按实际需要选择水流量大小,而不是很轻松地就一下开到最大。同时在水龙头顶部正对视野方向,设有水流量实时检测的表盘,当开关开得比较大时,水流带动表盘快速转动,给使用者以及时的反馈,这种反馈带来的紧张感,对使用者浪费用水产生心理压力,进而影响其行为。
☆ E-Pram
LIU MINGDE/ GONG QIAN/ WANG BOXING/ JIN HANLIN刘明德/ 龚乾/ 王博星/ 金翰林This product uses the advanced "torque sensor" principle of the electric power module, the bilateral torque sensor is placed on the armrest of the baby stroller. When the user moves the baby stroller, the cart handle in the axial force will have an extremely subtle deformation. By measuring the small deformation signal on the middle axle surface, the sensor will know the force of the user. And the sensors will give more force to the rear wheels. It’s accuracy is very high, reflecting the time at millisecond level, almost no delay, the power output is very linear. Therefore, the use of security is guaranteed. It has optimize the user experience when the baby's weight increase, excessive baggage and uphill and other circumstances.本产品采用了前沿的“力矩传感器”原理的电助力模块,双边力矩传感器被安置在推车的扶手上。当使用者向前推动推车时,推车把手中轴受力就会产生极为细微的推力形变。通过测量中轴表面的细微形变信号即可得出当前使用者的力的大小,从而通过传感器传输给后轮,获得电助力。它的精度极高,反映时间在毫秒级别,几乎没有延时,动力输出十分线性。因此也保证了使用的安全。优化了婴幼儿的体重增加、随行行李过多、上坡等情况下的出行体验。
TAO ZHIXIANG 陶志翔Blind remote control is a new type TV remote control, which is designed for the person, who is with a ill sight. By pushing the protruding points, it can help people to solve daily problem, such as too many keystrokes, accurate feedback, touch by mistake.盲人遥控器是针对视力受损人群而设计的一种电视遥控器,通过改变遥控器造型和使用方式,可以帮助他们解决一些日常问题,如按键过多、反馈是否准确、操作误触等。
☆ VeinSight 400 Vein Finder 血管显像仪
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BLZ Technology (Wuhan) Co., Ltd. 博联众科(武汉)科技有限公司ZHAO YACHONG/ LIU ZUNXU/ BU NINGBIN 赵亚冲/ 刘尊旭/ 布宁斌VeinSight™ vein finder adopts the latest vein visualization technology and the unique digital image processing system, it can accurately obtain the real-time two-dimensional image data of veins, which can aid healthcare professionals in finding a good vein for venipuncture and highly increase the patients’ satisfaction.