China National Building Material Zambia Industrial Park “sinoma” Brand Call for Slogan about Advertising Building Materials 中国建材赞比亚工业园为中国建材集团旗下中材水泥在赞比亚自主投资建设的工业园区,中国建材赞比亚工业园一期项目华丽绽放的首秀,现包括水泥、烧结砖、骨料、商品混凝土等产品即将投放市场。为了提升我公司的知名度、美誉度和影响力,吸引客户,推动“sinoma”系列建材产品成功走进赞比亚市场,我公司决定面向社会开展营销宣传语征集活动,现将相关活动公示如下: China National Building Material Zambia Industrial Park is the discretionary investment in Zambia by Sinoma Cement, a subsidiary of China National Building Material Group Company. The debut of CNBM Zambia Industrial Park includes the cement, pan brick, aggregate, commercial concrete and so on that are about to be launched on the market. In order to enhance the company's popularity, reputation and influence, to attract customers and promote the success of the "sinoma" series of building materials products into the Zambian market, the company decides to call for the slogan about advertising building materials. The relevant activities are now publicized as follows: 一、征集目的 Collection Purpose 针对我公司产品确定特色鲜明的营销宣传语。 Aiming for distinctive marketing slogans for our products. 二、征集时间 Collection Date 4月19日与《每日邮报》取得联系,确定宣传刊登公告相关事宜。 On April 19th, contact the “Daily mail” and make clear the publication of the relevant matters. 2018年4月23日、24日、25日三天在《每日邮报》刊登整版彩页宣传,并发布征集方案。 On April 23, 24 and 25, the full and coloring page of newspaper shall be published on the "Daily Mail" and the slogan collection shall be announced. 2018年5月2日17:00投稿结束,逾期无效。 The submission will be closed at 17:00 on May 2, 2018 and expire thereafter. 三、作品要求 Slogan Requirements (一)主题明确、内涵丰富、寓意深远,反映我公司的形象和规模优势。 The theme should be clear, rich in content, far-reaching implications, reflecting the company's image and scale advantages. (二)表述要富有美感,通俗易记,力求简练(10个单词左右)。并配以详细的文字诠释。每人投稿不超过3条。 The statement should be aesthetically pleasing, catchy and concise (about 10 words) with detailed text interpretation. No more than 3 submissions per person. (三)如作品有内容相同者,以投稿时间先后顺序为准。 If slogans have same content, abide by the principal “First come, first nail it” 如有意投稿者,请与我公司联系,索取相关背景资料。 If you are interested in submitting slogan, please contact our company for relevant background information. 四、奖项设置 Awards 4月27日联系确定评委(商业、贸易和工业部部长、Chongwei市长)。 On April 27th, judges shall be identified (Minister of Commerce, Trade and Industry, Mayor of Chongwei). 5月4日,公司邀请商业、贸易和工业部部长、Chongwei市长为评委,评选优秀作品,评选后对入围的优秀作品给与现金奖励并在《每日邮报》公示。具体如下: On May 4, the company will invite the Minister of Commerce, Trade and Industry and Mayor Chongwei as the judges to select outstanding slogan. After the selection, they will be rewarded with cash prizes for the outstanding slogan and publicized in the Daily Mail. Details as follows: 一等奖:1名,奖金5000克瓦查; First prize: one person for 5,000 kwacha 二等奖:2名,奖金3000克瓦查; Second prize: two people for 3,000 kwacha 三等奖:3名,奖金1000克瓦查; Third prize: three people for 1,000 kwacha · 投稿要求 Submission Requirements (一) 投稿邮件请注明“Sinoma系列建材产品营销宣传口号征集”,并注明作者姓名、工作单位或住址、联系方式。 投稿作品通过电子邮件递交,以发送时间为准。 For the submission email, please specify “Sinoma Advertising Building Materials Slogan Collection” and indicate the submitter’s name, work unit or address, and contact information. The slogan shall be submitted via e-mail and slogans are subject to the submission time. (二) 投稿人所投作品必须为原创,享有完全著作权。如因该作品与他人作品产生著作权纠纷,则由此带来的法律后果由投稿人自负,我公司不承担任何责任。 The slogan submitted must be original and enjoy complete copyright. If a copyright dispute arises between submitter and the other author, the legal consequences resulting from this work shall be borne by the submitter and our company will not assume any responsibility. (三) 作品一经投稿,概不退稿,著作权、所有权等一切权利归我公司所有。我公司除向获奖者支付奖金外,不再支付其他任何报酬和税费。 Once the slogan is submitted, no refund of work will be made. Copyright, ownership, and all other rights belong to our company. In addition to paying bonuses to the winners, our company no longer pays any other remuneration and taxes. (四) 凡向本活动投稿的人均被视为已接受本公告的所有条款。 All that attend this activity and submit slogans are deemed to have accepted all the terms of this announcement. (五) 本活动解释权归我公司所有。 We reserve all the right for the final explanation. 地 址:赞比亚卢萨卡市Kabulonga区Warthog路81号 Address: Warthog 81, Kabulonga, Lusaka, Zambia. 投稿电子邮箱 E-mail: 其它未尽事宜请与Mpande石灰石有限公司销售部联系。 Matters not covered herein shall be communicated with the Sales Department of Mpande Limestone Limited. 联系人:刘行 Contact: LIU HANG 联系电话:+260979539999 PHONE: +260979539999
Mpande石灰石有限公司 Mpande Limestone Ltd. 2018年4月11日 April 11th 2018